After Cyclone Emma dumped a huge amount of water in the Murchison in February 2006 we decided that another expedition on the river was in order.
I phoned Simon Broad at Milly Milly and he told me the river was seven kilometres wide in places. We had no chance of getting to the homestead off the Byro Road so we determined to start wherever the water was.
On the way into the river, at Simon’s request, we placed a cover over the exhaust pipe of the grader that had been left on the track.
- Byro Woolshed
- Kim putting cover over exhaust.
- The aftermath of Cyclone Emma 4 March 2006.
- Wide river
It was hot and humid and took a long time to get the expedition underway.
- On the way in to the start point.
- Byro Milly Milly Road
- Back to the vehicles after checking the water depth .
- Arrival at the river’s edge.
- Cliff at the Start.
- Ready to start.
- Keith Brooker
- John Bousfield
- Keith’s Jackaroo
- Kevin Williams
- Kim refuelling the Patrol.
- Sean Stocker
- Water across the Byro Milly Milly Road.
- Start Point
- Stephen and John Bousfield
- Heading off
Greg Barndon, Sean Stocker and myself retraced our journey south to the first checkpoint with the boat crew. It wasn’t till the first checkpoint that we realised no-one in the boat crew had a camera. The land crew got ahead of the water and went into Murchison Crossing to rv with the boat crew.
- Bush turkey
- Murchison Roadhouse
- Steel emus
- At Billabalong Homestead.
- Setting up camp.
- We camped in the shed.
- Breakfast at Billabalong.
- Beautiful red river gums.
- Map reading.
At Billabalong we ascertained that the Coolcalalaya Road was closed so we were unable to send the boats further downriver – we would not be able resupply them. There was no option but to head back to the North West Coastal Highway. We tried a number of tracks heading west, eventually refuelling at Yuna before connecting with the highway at Isseka. Then back to Perth.
© Kim Epton 2006-2024
367 words, 32 photographs.
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