
Hunt’s Soak at Koorkoordine is seven kilometres north of the town of Southern Cross.

Explorer/surveyor C.C. Hunt (1832-1868) used Kookoordine as one of his major depots. On 30 March 1865 he recorded, ‘bulk of party engaged at Kookoordine and beyond, sinking wells’.

On 11 April 1865 he recorded:

… the remainder of party en route from Duladgin to Kookoordine, having directed them to fall back to that camp and make another depot untill we can get everything up from Kercanie, having left directions with Corporal Martin to begin making two commodious huts to receive the five months stores and to lodge in, like wise to have the well sunk as deep as possible and stoned up, to make all snug for the rainy season; if we are going to have one,

When Hunt returned to Koorkoordine in July 1866 he recorded:

 halted at Kookoordine … found the three huts in good repair and the well containing 2 ½ feet of water – about the mark it stood at last year – this place had been one of my best halting places for upward of two years

The well was built 10 feet (3.3m) across, 10 feet deep and could supply 10 bullocks, 10 horses and 15 men for a month. It was filled by water from a nearby native soak.

Koorkoordine Well was indirectly responsible for prospectors Thomas Risely and Mick Toomey finding gold in the area because when they reached the well it was dry and they had to keep moving. Following the Southern Cross in the night sky, they discovered gold.


© Kim Epton 2024
283 words.

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