
During his Koolyanobbing Expedition (the first of four to the East of York) C.C. Hunt (1832-1868) recorded:

Tuesday 22nd [March 1864] commences with fine weather, having obtained the assistance of three natives as guides to the next watering place – 4.45pm halted for the night at Todatiting Rock and Spring the best we have yet seen since leaving York – situated on the east side of the rock with numerous wattle trees about it – with good feed also – from the summit of rock.

In October of that year during his second expedition he referred to it as Totadgin and in early 1865 his party of probation prisoners constructed a well there:

17 February 1865. Friday. Begins with fine weather and light easterly wind. 7h a.m. teams arrived at Totadgin and halt for the day. During the forenoon party engaged, collecting stone, cutting poles and completing the well which is but a small one, though I believe will hold water for all passing purposes.

A few weeks later the team improved the well:

7 March 1865. Tuesday. This day halting at Totadgin … The men engaged sinking as this well there not being a good supply in the first one made …. After the first rainy season, there will allways be an opening for the spring to make its way into the well. I have been at this place several times before and allways thought it one of the best places to make a well eastward of York. … 6h p.m. gave up the new well as useless having come to rock at eight feet, it will make an excellent reservoir to be filled by the first rain fall, being situated in small gully and the side of the wh hole being very firm.

The area is protected in Reserve 1313.


© Kim Epton 2015-2024
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