Stay Away From Salt Lakes – Lake Johnston 2006

Over the Anzac Day long weekend in 2006, just prior to travelling to California, I took part in a motorcycle trip to the Lake Johnston area, about 460 kilometres east of Perth, organised by Paul Tregurtha.

Even though it was mid-April the temperature was in the mid to high 30s.  Not the most comfortable conditions to ride but, hey, there’s always a cold drink to come back to after the ride!

Lots of lessons learnt on the first ride. The first, and one that will stay with with everyone for the rest of their lives, was – stay off salt lakes.

Playas, as they are more correctly known, are treacherous once the thin crust is broken. Early explorers trying to get camels and horses across lakes like these had as much trouble as our modern-day adventurers

The bruised ribs from a fall on the last day made for an uncomfortable trip across the Pacific.

The Lake Johnston area is a great place to go riding – but don’t mess around on salt lakes, no matter how inviting they look.



© Kim Epton 2006-2024
284 words, 11 photographs.

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