Naming of Mt Lindesay

Dr. T.B. Wilson named this mount in December 1829 “in compliment to the Officers of the 39th Regiment”.

The 39th Regiment, based in New South Wales, was commanded by Colonel Patrick Lindesay (1778-1839), When Wilson was at King George Sound a portion of the 39th Regiment was there under the command of Lieutenant Sleeman, later replaced by Captain Collett Barker.

In 1832 Alexander Collie recorded the aboriginal name as “Pee-oo-pee-tyup”. His informant was Manyat .

Another aboriginal name – Beigpiegup – was supplied by T. Muir of Deeside in 1907.

Mount Lindesay is part of the Walpole Wilderness Area.

See Naming of Mt Frankland.


Western Australian Exploration, vol. 1, Hesperian Press, Perth, 2005, pp.316.
Department of Lands and Survey  file 2550/1900, page 18.


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